A Realistic Look of 2014 New Year’s Resolutions

new-year-resolutionThe great thing about blogging is being able to stay accountable. I have been making a ton of changes to my blog and I have been reading old posts that I have written over the years. Sometimes, I look back and laugh at them because I have changed so much. I haven’t really done most of the things that I have set as goals, especially since I have 2 or 3 blog posts talking about my goals to lose weight and setting out a plan, but I am still the same weight that I was when I wrote all of those posts. Oh well, I am at a healthy weight, but I could be healthier.

Last year in January I wrote a post that talked about my goals for this year. Looking back at the goals, I have done a good job with some of them, and not so good with the others.

  1. Go to the gym at least 2 times a week.

I would say that I did okay with this throughout the year. I did really good at the beginning of the year, started to fail during the beginning of the summer. I picked up again after AT and then was doing a really good job going Monday-Friday until December hit. December has been a rough month, because I haven’t worked out as much, but I am ready to start again next week.

  1. Eat things that come from the earth more often than things that don’t.

Again. This is something that has fluctuated a lot throughout the year. I have overall done a pretty good job at eating okay, but I have eaten a lot more fast food that I would care to admit. I don’t do so great with having a busy schedule and since I have been working full time and I am a full time student, it has created it’s fair share of challenges when it comes to eating healthy.  I would say that I have done pretty good with getting to eat healthy most meals of the week, but there are some weeks that are definitely better than others.

  1. Write on my blog more.

Until I am writing at least 4-5 times a week, regularly, this will always be a goal for me. There will always be room for improvement on this one. I would say that I have done pretty good with this throughout the year. I would say that my blog has grown a lot more, but I would love to see more followers and more comments on my blog. I would also love to start making money off of my blog to put back into my blog, but those are things down the line.

Over half of the posts on my blog have been written this year alone, so I would say that I am doing good there. My blog also got recognized in a college news letter for my post 10 Things I Wish I Would Have Known Before Starting College. A professor from a college in Florida contacted me and asked to republish the blog post for the newsletter for his college students. How cool is that! I did really good at writing every day for a little while, but didn’t do so great at it after I got back from AT and college started back up. I need to work on the balance in life.

  1. Give 100% to everything I do. If I cannot give 100%, I need to quit.

I am my mother’s daughter. I think this will always be a struggle for me and it will never be something I overcome. I am currently working full time, full time student, teammate, girlfriend, and I am renting a place that I sometimes find the time to help clean. I would love to start volunteering more, but I struggle to find the energy.

  1. I want to spend less money.

I can’t really say that I spent less money, but the goal was set so I could save money for things I wanted to do. I would say that I accomplished a lot of things. My spring break, Pay It Forward trip was sooo much fun and so worth the money! My trip to South Africa was expensive, but also well worth the money. I still struggle with spending money on mundane things, but I have definitely had some memorable experiences this year and I am excited to see what the year ahead will bring.

  1. I want to be creative and being fun.

This is mostly accomplished in my Teammate’s time every week. We have made so many different crafts this year and I love every second of my time with her. We have made name canvas’s, holiday crafts, finger painted Christmas lights, and so many other great crafts. I would say that this one was a success, but I definitely need to be more creative when it comes to daily tasks and decorating my room.

  1. I want to take a picture every day.

Hahahaha. I have failed so bad at this. I have probably taken a selfie every day with snapchat, but most of them I would never save. I always say I want to take more pictures, but I have done a really bad job keeping up with it.  I enjoy photography, it is just something that I really don’t do well at making time for it on a regular basis. I did take a lot of pictures this year, but I haven’t done nearly what I wanted to do.

The New Year brings so many goals and so many plans. I think I actually did pretty good overall, but I definitely could have done better. There will always be another year, but remember not to be too hard on yourself for not accomplishing everything that you planned on in one year.  This year. Be sure to set realistic, measurable goals and to remind yourself of the goals regularly.

What were your New Year’s resolutions for 2014 and how did you do?

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