Everyday Workout Plan!

I have been going and going for the two months it feels like. Where did June go? It seems like May just started.
This being said, my workout plan has been less than fantastic. I have been watching what I eat pretty well, but I have been craving a super great workout for a while. During drill weekends, we get some pretty good ones and I really do enjoy those. Continue reading

College Dining Hall Rules.

This link is for every runner that needs to feel better about their mental thought process during a run. Or anyone who can’t really relate and just needs a laugh. It made me laugh out loud in the dining hall and look like some freak. It happens (:

Now that you had a good laugh for day. You can finish reading my post!

So this week was the first week back from spring break. I started thinking back to the eating habits that I developed when I came to college. NOT GOOD. Continue reading