Saving Money while you are Abroad!

So, you raised all the money you needed for the trip. You are walking off the plane into a whole new country. Congratulations! But now you have to figure out how to not burn through your entire bank account while you are in the country. I can help! While I was in South Africa, I spent a little more than I had expected to, but I also had the trip of a lifetime. These are the 5 tips that I figured out while I was there! Continue reading

5 Ways to Raise Money to Go Abroad!

This summer has been absolutely crazy. After getting back from South Africa I have been trying to focus on getting moved into our new apartment and making it a home. Then I had 2 weeks of military training out in Fort Carson. (Great Time) But I feel like yet another summer has slipped away from me.
I am just getting Thank You’s done from my South African Donors, 2 months after getting home.. Even though they have been on my list of things to do… since I got home. Slowly but surly this summer is coming to an end.
All of that being said, I am finally starting to get some of my study abroad posts up onto my blog! Woo!

Studying abroad is well worth the money. I don’t regret a single penny that I spent on the trip, but I do wish I would have watched my finances a little more closely. Here are 5 Tips for raising money for your trip, because it is no secret that it costs an arm and a leg sometimes. It is hard to pay for an entire trip straight out of pocket so follow these:

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African Safari: Day One

   Today, we packed up our bags and headed out for our first overnight trip.We were headed to the Safari. It seemed like a super long drive on the way there, but it was really only an hour or two. As we drove, I couldn’t help but be surprised at how absolutely beautiful the world is.
Ever since the Slave Lodge we have been making fun of Kelsie because the birds and squirrels really love her. In the Company Gardens, the animals came right up to her and were super friendly, which freaked her out. It wasn’t pretty. She also seems to attract the dog at the Hostel very well. Well, the Safari just made her a target for some jokes because we kept saying how we would get to see all of the animals because Kelsie would attract them towards our vehicle.

I can show this one better with pictures than words. Only pictures can explain how truly beautiful Africa is: Continue reading

Archives and Holocaust Museum

     This morning in South Africa we had a good class about the beginning history of South Africa. We talked about the Dutch coming to form a settlement here, the slave trade and the types of slaves, and the different types of segregation laws that took place.
It was really interesting because Dr. Curry started the lecture by saying that the 1940’s Alexandria, South Africa bus boycotts were happening at the same time as the boycotts in Montgomery, Alabama. She explained how this was the thing that got her interested in South Africa, primarily because when her professor first told her this, he continued with the statement, “Someone in this classroom will want to know if the two boycotts had any influence on each other. He was right. She wanted to know, but he didn’t have an answer for her. So she set out to find it on her own.

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Here comes the bad news…

So today was pretty fun! We had class, went to the archives and went to a cool holocaust museum..
We had a good supper and then came back to the hostel to play some 10 point pitch.

I would love to tell you all more about my great day.. but unfortunately.. there are some other things that haven’t made my day so great.

I can’t say that I will be blogging for the rest of my trip, but I will definitely be keeping a journal to tell you everything that happens.
Tonight, while we were playing pitch, my laptop was sitting on the floor on the deck and it apparently got stepped on.. My LED screen has cracked.

I am going to attempt to use someone elses laptop to keep up my blog, but there is no promises that someone will let me use their laptop every night for it… I am hoping, but there is no promises. I will still be posting on Facebook when I have internet, but that’s probably it.

Tomorrow is the safari. Pictures will be posted to facebook. I promised to get a picture with a lion (;

See you in a 2 weeks if I don’t see you before then!

The Amy Biehl Foundation and Nyanga

The Amy Biehl foundation is set up for a girl who was living in South Africa in the early 1990’s. She was a college student at Stanford University majoring in African studies. She came to South Africa to help fight the injustice and segregation. She was here up until the first free elections, but then she was driving home from a township and was killed by a mob that thought she was there to fight against freedom, instead of fighting for freedom. Continue reading

Day Three In Beautiful South Africa!

          Orientation started today, at 9 am, meaning 2 am our time. It was an extremely long day, but it was fun and worth it.
          We walked from our hostel down to a little café. We had these great things called Chocochinos. It is a mixture of Whip Cream, espresso, and chocolate. YES! It was the perfect thing for the morning after having no sleep.
          After that we all jammed into the back of our ISA representatives car and drove to campus.

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Big Thanks Goes tooo..

UNL: For setting up the trip, making sure everything went okay, and giving me a $750 scholarship!
Dr. Curry: For putting up with all of us crazy college kids for 3 weeks!
Robin Anderson: Who printed the letters for me to send out informing everyone about my trip and requesting a little help.
Gage County M.A.P.S. coalition for donating envelopes and labels for the letters.

Some of the Money Donors:
Kiwanis                                                     Verla Light
Grandma Jan and Grandpa Roger                Grandpa Earl and Grandma Vera
Grandma Cindy                                         Grandma Judy and Grandpa Gene
Roger and Dianne Aveyard                         Dawn Kendall
Roger and Jane Aden                                  Ernie and Jan
Bette and Marvin                                       Janice Waltke
Diane and Doug Swanson                           Troy Kendall
Mom and Dad                                            Pat May

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Here is the South African Plan

Think back to early elementary school. Probably your social studies class very very early in Social Studies when you learned about the equator, the different hemispheres, and the different climates of these hemispheres.

Remember that moment when your teacher said that opposite hemispheres have opposite seasons. I don’t. Well. I had a flashback during my South Africa Itinerary meeting today. It was like on an episode of That’s So Raven from when I was young, when she has a “vision” and all time stops. Continue reading