15 Ways to Drink More Water

While I was at AIT, we had this Platoon Sergeant that was hilarious. Everyone always thought that he was joking, but you never wanted to get on his bad side. He always called me the nerd and the baby of the platoon. He would always listen to our complaints and our problems, but if there was really nothing he could do about it, his answer was always “Drink Water.” He simply meant that nothing is going to change so you might as well sit back and wait. He said it at least 15 times every day. He was known for this phrase. If something is going wrong, Drink water.

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Making Fitness Goals

I have always struggled with the motivation to lost weight. I know that I could do it if I actually just focused and put a good amount of effort into it, but every time I start, I seem to lose it pretty quickly. It is super frustrating.

I have decided that by my 20th birthday. I want to be at my goal weight. I want to make these fitness goals.

That gives me 128 days. a little over 18 weeks to accomplish my goals.

I know I am relatively healthy, but I want to be more. I want to be at my optimal goal weight and be able to continue with the things I want to do.

Today, I started my challenge off with a 3 mile run. I got up when Matt was leaving for work instead of sleeping the extra hour that I could have, and went for a run on the path that we typically go on walks. Just as I walked inside from my run, it started down pouring. That just shows that if I were to sleep that extra hour, I wouldn’t have gone for a run.

Things I am going to do to accomplish these goals:

  • Count my calories every day.
  • 1 “cheat day” per week (must stay reasonable)
  • Eat healthier snacks
  • Complete the #1500in31 challenge and continue with the other challenges that they have
  • Go on walks
  • Go buy a pair of 5/6 jeans from Maurices and hang them in the front on my closet.
  • For every 5 pounds that I lose, I get small reward
    • A BRAND NEW book (150)
    • A new Wii game (145)
    • A pedicure (140)
    • A weekend away with Matt  (135)
    • A day at the spa (130)
  • Workout in the mornings/ go for a walk/swim at nights.

Also, as far as the rewards go, if I successfully complete the #1500in31 days, I am rewarding myself with a FitBit Bracelet. I have been putting off buying one since March now and I really want one still. But I must earn it. Also, a new pair of tennis shoes will be in there some where as a reward.

I am going to do this by December 13th. I know that I have rewards to 130, because that is always going to be my ultimate goal, but small goals at a time! I am ready to start this challenge, again. But for the last time.
What are you doing to stay healthy? What goals do you have for your fitness?
Check us out for another Weigh In Wednesday!


I have done so many of these posts about how I am sick of weighing what I do, but I am struggling to get where I want to be. I am not unhealthy, but I am not as healthy as I could be. To be at my ideal, military weight I need to lose 15 pounds.

Every time I get frustrated about it at drill, all of the people that I talked to ensure me that the way that military does height and weight is screwed up. They also tell me that the standard isn’t really all that healthy.

I know I could stand to lose some weight, but I don’t know if I could ever get down 15 pounds. My goal is to get down 10 by October drill. (middle of October.)

So here is my fitness challenge:

#NOEXCUSES Fitness Challenge AUGUST
All Credits for this image go to
pinkheelspinktruck.com and hairsprayandhighheels.net

Every month this website has a different challenge. July’s was 75 miles in 31 days. August’s is 1500 minutes in 31 days. I am going to do it and I want some of my friends to jump in with me. It is definitely a huge commitment and that is a lot of time.  Every exercise counts. Whether its weight lifting, running, walking, biking, taking a class at the YMCA. Whatever you do that is active, counts. Things that don’t count include grocery shopping, mowing the lawn and other daily tasks.
I figured it out. 
if you were to commit 5 days a week: it would be 1 hour and 11 minutes for those 5 days.
If you commit 6 days a week: It is just over 57 minutes.
And 7 days a week: Is just over 48 minutes every day.
I have (kinda) gotten Matt in on it with me. He said that if I go run in the mornings for 30 minutes, that he would go on at least a 20-30 minute walk with me at night. He obviously isn’t going to hit the 1500, but I will. Some days can be longer, some can be shorter.
There are some pretty cool prizes if you make the goal and turn in the workout sheet and that is great motivation, but think about what a difference an hour a day would make in your body and lifestyle.
I am going to try it, who’s with me!? If you want to sign up and get the sheet it is right here! You have until Friday to decide, but I definitely suggest jumping in. So what if you don’t make this goal. Make a slightly smaller goal. Go for 1000 minutes in 31 days. That is just over 32 minutes if you commit 7 days. Who can’t make time to go for a 30 minute walk??
The goal is to look at fitness as a bigger picture instead of one workout at a time. It all adds up over time, but most people tend to only think one workout in advance.
They have a great Facebook page full of encouraging people at #NOEXCUSES Fitness Challenge
Again. I don’t take credit for any of this, I am just joining in on the challenge and asking you to join in with me!

Everyday Workout Plan!

I have been going and going for the two months it feels like. Where did June go? It seems like May just started.
This being said, my workout plan has been less than fantastic. I have been watching what I eat pretty well, but I have been craving a super great workout for a while. During drill weekends, we get some pretty good ones and I really do enjoy those. Continue reading

College Dining Hall Rules.

This link is for every runner that needs to feel better about their mental thought process during a run. Or anyone who can’t really relate and just needs a laugh. It made me laugh out loud in the dining hall and look like some freak. It happens (:

Now that you had a good laugh for day. You can finish reading my post!

So this week was the first week back from spring break. I started thinking back to the eating habits that I developed when I came to college. NOT GOOD. Continue reading